This comes in a bit late, but here goes. According to what a few of my Salvadoran facebook friends were posting around the time of the Paris attacks: There's nothing wrong with praying for Paris, we are all brothers & sisters. But I agree, let's pray for El Salvador as well. My home country, El Salvador, has the highest homicide rate in the world; on average, one HUMAN BEING is murdered per hour. We CANNOT get used to this. Let's pray for the world for that matter. We are all connected; and the ones who need our love & prayers, above all others, are the troubled hearts of the human beings who commit these horrific acts. Make no mistake there. YOU DO NOT STOP A FIRE WITH MORE FIRE!!!!
I live in New York, many of the problems we see in the world originate from the selfishness & greed that exists in the hearts of a handful of individuals/organizations right here. Cheap/slave labor around the globe, deforestation, illegal drug purchasing that leaves a mass blood trail through the entire American continent (just to get to your nose/wherever you stick it in), weapons sales, mass food production industry, oil, etc. EVERY ONE of us supports this destructive anti-unity anti-equality anti-collaboration cycle from the moment we choose to look down on another human being living on the street instead of pulling him/her up; to the moment we make a purchase without trying to find out at what expense this product reached our hands. I'm guilty. What's happening out there is all our faults. LET'S STOP PRETENDING WE DON'T CARE, IT IS OUR HUMAN NATURE TO CARE. ACT ON IT.
"Nothing that happens to others should be considered foreign to us." -Juan XXIII
"If you only love those who love you, what reward is there for that?" -Matthew 5:46
"The only devils in this world are those running around in our own hearts, and that is where all our battles should be fought." -Mahatma Gandhi
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