Monday, June 12, 2017


The best teachers don't come in the form of a small loving old man/turtle, like Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda 🐒

   I believe the best teachers are in those relationships in our lives, which through terrible suffering show us where we are depositing ego, and where we need to deposit more Love, within & without ourselves.

Our relationships are usually mirrors through which we can see clearly where we need work on correcting false perceptions within ourselves, based on ego: the illusion of our separateness.  

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness."  Thich Nhat Hanh

Other than practicing Love, I believe this is one of the main purposes for relationships.

To wake up, to come back to life, to become conscious; and this can only happen in the present moment

   "In Buddhism one can be grateful even for those who we see as our enemies, and those who we think cause our suffering.  'Our most precious spiritual teachers,' as they are often called.  Because they help us develop our spiritual practice, and to cultivate equanimity, by practicing Love even in the face of adversity."

-The Book of Joy 

   I had the fortune of hosting one of these wonderful teachers in my heart for the past five months.

Now, she has moved on to the next blessing life has got for her growth; and so have I.

Sometimes when you talk to a friend about a relationship that is causing suffering you will hear things like "f*uck women," "all men are the same," "all women are sl*ts,"he's too immature," "there are other fish in the sea," "he's an asshole," "you should go and sleep with someone else to get back at her, it'll make you feel better," "un clavo saca otro," "you're better than her," "she's not worth your time/your Love," they'll wish for harm to come her way, offer to harm her, or anything they think you want to hear --with the intention of supporting you. 

   When my friends look for my advice on one of their relationships, I usually tell them that the best advice I can give them on relationships is not to listen to anyone's advice; because every single person & every single relationship is an infinitely unique multiverse.  

I think too many of our relationships suffer due to our listening of advice based on ego.  

I believe that if we offer any kind of support, it must be compassionate, based on Love.

It cannot focus on attacking the other person, no matter how "bad" they seem; it should focus on the Love-growth of my friend who's attention I have in the present moment.

We cannot control what others do, we can only manage what we do ourselves; so attacking the other person only contributes to resentment, and in that moment we are suggesting that our friend disconnects from his Peace.

   Sometimes we think we are Loving, when in Reality we may not be.  I believe the right questions are: "What can I do better?"  "How can I practice True Love?"  "What is best for everyone involved in this decision?"  "What can I learn from this (based on Love)?"  "What am I grateful for?"  "Is God/the universe/life telling us to move on?"

There is no such thing as "all men are like this" or "all women are like that."  

Each one of us is infinitely precious & unique; while we all have weaknesses & we all make mistakes, our nature & what gives us Peace --is to Love.  

Love is the Truth that we are one with God & all creation; and Loving is the action/energy produced by the understanding & acceptance of this Truth.

Therefore, it is our nature to be Good, many of us just haven't realized it yet

   I am so grateful for all the angels who have been in my life up until this exact moment.

Every single relationship; from those who've simply acknowledged my existence with a smile, to those who have been here since the moment I opened my eyes.  

   I hope at least one person profits from me sharing my journey from time to time.

One particular angel from my life has been in my mind & prayers lately.  

I hope no one minds this old photo, I only mean to deliver this vibe out into the world, so it keeps expanding all the way to its edges...

Angels, I'm sorry for my mistakes, and I thank you for yours πŸ’™πŸ™πŸΌπŸŒ·

Saturday, June 10, 2017


"If in our daily lives we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. If we really know how to live, what better way to start the day than with a smile? Our smile affirms our awareness and determination to live in peace and joy. The source of a true smile is an awakened mind.

How can you remember to smile when you wake up? You might hang a reminder--such as a branch, a leaf, a painting, or some inspiring words--in your window or from the ceiling above your bed, so that you notice it when you wake up. Once you develop the practice of smiling, you may not need a reminder. You will smile as soon as you hear a bird singing or see the sunlight streaming through the window. Smiling helps you approach the day with gentleness and understanding.

When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness. [...] Our smile will bring happiness to us and to those around us. Even if we spend a lot of money on gifts for everyone in our family, nothing we buy could give them as much happiness as the gift of our awareness, our smile. And this precious gift costs nothing. At the end of a retreat in California, a friend wrote this poem:

I have lost my smile, 
but don't worry. 
The dandelion has it.

If you have lost your smile and yet are still capable of seeing that a dandelion is keeping it for you, the situation is not too bad. You still have enough mindfulness to see that the smile is there.

You only need to breathe consciously one or two times and you will recover your smile. The dandelion is one member of your community of friends. It is there, quite faithful, keeping your smile for you.

In fact, everything around you is keeping your smile for you."

--Thich Nhat Hanh